The Cochrane Consumer Network Executive

The Consumer Network Executive was set up in 1995 to provide leadership for the 2,500 and growing, international community of consumers (patients, carers  and the public) who help produce and share Cochrane evidence. Members of the Consumer Executive are drawn from the Cochrane Consumer Network. The Cochrane Consumer Engagement Manager is part of the Cochrane Central Executive team and supports and promotes consumer involvement in Cochrane. 

Vision, Mission and Objectives


Cochrane’s Consumer Executive’s vision is for a global community of healthcare consumers united by their search for high quality, unbiased information about health conditions and treatment, and who can contribute meaningfully throughout the process of production and dissemination of research.


Cochrane’s Consumer Network Executive’s mission is to advocate for, and support, consumer involvement and engagement in the Cochrane and global evidence community, and to represent the priorities and concerns of Cochrane consumers.


Cochrane's Consumer Network Executive contributes to Cochrane’s work by:

  1. Working with Cochrane’s Consumer Engagement Manager to achieve annual goals of consumer engagement and involvement, in line with Cochrane’s mission and vision.
  2. Sharing experience, providing guidance, and supporting and promoting consumer involvement and engagement in protocols and systematic reviews for Cochrane groups and entities.
  3. Advocating for evidence that is produced, presented and made available in a way that is useful, accessible and of high-quality to consumers making informed healthcare decisions.
  4. Increasing the awareness of Cochrane reviews among people globally.
  5. Identifying and sharing trends within the consumer healthcare community and within specific communities of interest.
  6. Identifying collective Cochrane consumer concerns and issues and bringing them forward.

Consumer Network Executive

To contact all members of the Consumers' Executive, please email


Jack Nunn (Co-Chair)

Bio coming soon.

Helen Bulbeck (Co-Chair)

Bio coming soon.

Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh

Bio coming soon.

Ana Beatriz Pizarro Nule

Bio coming soon.

Jonathan Fuchs

Jonathan has over 40 years of experience in health services delivery managing complex healthcare organizations. Most recently he serves on the Board for a company that promotes the secure use and interoperability of healthcare data for patients and providers.  His particular interest has been in improving the quality of care, understanding changing health care dynamics, and processes and their impact on patient care. He has experience in the evaluation of quality of care activities, value based healthcare, consumer representation, and the impact of services on the cost of care.  He has authored numerous articles on the accreditation and the quality of care, social determinants of health and access of care. Over the past 10 years, he has served on numerous Cochrane review panels as a consumer representative.

Danielle Pollock

Danielle is a lived experience stillbirth researcher, methodologists in evidence synthesis, mum to three, and wife living in Adelaide, Australia. She has been an advocate for the inclusion of patients within research since the loss of her daughter, Sofia, to stillbirth in 2014. She completed a PhD where she explored stillbirth stigma, and identified that over half of bereaved mothers faced stigmatising attitudes and beliefs. However, she also highlighted bereaved parents as advocates in changing the ingrained and fatalistic attitudes towards stillbirth held by clinicians, researchers, and government organisations. She is a strong believer that patients change healthcare systems, and their involvement only strengthens understanding. Danielle is currently a research fellow in evidence-based health care and have continued her patient advocacy.

Brian Duncan

Brian has over 35 years experience working in the public sector at the Executive level providing behavioral health, intellectual disability, substance use disorder and aging services. Brian has been a Cochrane member for six years, including experience with Cochrane Crowd, Cochrane Engage, peer reviews, Plain Language Summaries, the Cochrane-Wikipedia partnership, and Cochrane's Plain Language Summary guidelines for authors. Brian aims to contribute by offering expertise in how to best provide and communicate healthcare information. He believes this is best accomplished through access to plain language guides supplemented by decision aids to help guide individuals through a rational decision-making process in concert with the healthcare providers that is respectful of their choices and preferences.